YouTube added paid subscription channels

From today on, you can view some of YouTube paid subscription channels. This is the way that YouTube will allow more earnings to authors of best channels and which will also enable additional more quality content of the same authors. (more...)

Day 11 of UK adventure - Foggy South beaches, Leeds castle and Dover Fortress

We thought that we will be able to spend some time on the South England beaches but there was fog and even slight rain. So after driving next to beach we decided to check out a Bodiam Castle a bit further North, and we were not disappointed. (more...)

Day 10 of UK adventure - Stonehange, Tangemere, Brighton

It was a sunny day once again and we moved from our B and B not too early. We wanted to get to Stonehenge and we had quite a long travel back inside England heart. It was a pleasant journey mostly on A roads and few miles on motorways. (more...)

Day 9 of UK adventure - Cardiff and Eden Project

Although the topic states two places around 300 km apart, this was our plan for this lovely Monday. This Monday was also Bank Holiday, when most UK people take their time and visit coastline. That last bit almost prevented to completing our journey, but we were over traffic jams on M5 soon enough. (more...)