Beginner STM32 Nucleo F401RE Tutorial mbed
I have gotten ST new programmable Nucleo F401RE development board which is also Arudino compatible. It shows the amount of dedication ST has put into this board to make Cortex core even more accessible to newbies. (more...)
NSA did not crack encryption - SSL is still np-complete problem
I do realize I am not the utmost expert for security, but I have been reading about this topic since it came out in September enough to know that SSL encryption as it is has not been cracked. As reported by Snowden the NSA has inserted back doors into certificate authorities and that is the indication that even NSA with all its computing power does not think it is possible to crack or break the RSA encryption. (more...)
LiteCoin mining script Windows
Litecoin is scrypt based cryptocoin and scrypt based cryptocurrencies are mined with some additional parameters to your miners. Below you will find a procedure to set up automated script which will run your miner with desired settings. (more...)
Give me coins Litecoin mining pool
Mining Litecoins is probably your best entry point into cryptocurrency world. Bitcoins and sha256 algorithm already has dedicated mining hardware which is few ten thousand times faster than your GPU (and even more than your CPU). (more...)