07. October 2022 1 min read
Cannot recreate IngressRoute Traefik Hub
I was trying to refresh an existing certificate with Traefik and Traefik Hub-agent installed, but I was getting this unrelated webhook internal error. It did not allow me to delete IngressRoute, or even modify it. So when you cannot recreate the IngressRoute using Traefik or Traefik Hub agent with a cryptic error.
error: ingressroutes.traefik.containo.us "app-external" could not be patched: Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "hub-agent.hub-agent.svc": Post "https://hub-agent-controller.hub-agent.svc:443/?timeout=10s": service "hub-agent-controller" not found
then you should really just delete all certificates and delete Traefik along with hub-agent. The trick is however, that hub-agent does not get completely removed by
helm uninstall hub-agent -n hub-agent
But you need to run also completely remove the webhook configurations by
kubectl delete mutatingwebhookconfigurations hub
kubectl delete validatingwebhookconfigurations hub