Day 1 of Greek island Kos advanture - Kos airport, Mastihari

It was late evening when we sat on plane in Joze Pucnik airport (Ljubljana) and flew across the Balkans to the Greek island of Kos. Flight lasted for more than 2 hours and the landing on Kos airport was not really smooth. (more...)

Day 2 of Le Mans roller 24h adventure - Palace of Versailles, Le Mans city

In the morning we have decided to drive across the Paris to Palace of Versailles, to check it out before our final destination Le Mans. We arrived early to avoid traffic, and it was closed. It did not matter much as we took a stroll around it to gasp its size. (more...)

Day 1 of Le Mans roller 24h adventure - The drive, Paris in morning

It is our national holiday on 25th June, so we have decided to hit the road on 24th June afternoon. Our plan was to take the cover of the night to drive directly into the Paris for a sightseeing and then sleep until next day when we complete our drive in Le Mans, to acclimate before 24 hour roller skating Le Mans race. (more...)

Day 4 of Berlin adventure - Inline skating Marathon

It was our race day and we really took it easy. Whole day it was nothing more but resting and checking the video material we got on youtube to prepare ourselves to race ahead. We made a nice timetable with lunch and enough time for preparation and warm-ups and on race we all posted our best times and best placements. (more...)