11. November 2021 5 min read

Day 2 of weekend in Dublin with kids

On our first full day in Dublin the agenda was packed with the things we wanted to see and explore. Kids really loved the Vikings when we were in Denmark, so of course some of such attractions were our top selection. From a good breakfast in a hotel we hopped on a yellow doubledecker bus and drove to the city center.


We started the day with a visit to Dublinia, a museum that brings the history of Dublin to life through interactive exhibits and reenactments. The museum is located in a historic building in the heart of the city and provides a glimpse into Dublin's Viking and medieval past. Our kids particularly enjoyed trying on Viking helmets and learning about the lives of the city's medieval residents and we left with a lot of interesting historic facts.

Dublinia museum building in Dublin

The location and exit are also an attraction by itself.

Dublin Castle

After Dublinia, we headed to Dublin Castle, a complex of buildings dating back to the 13th century. The castle has been the seat of English and British rule in Ireland for centuries and is now used for important state events. We joined a guided tour to explore the castle's history and architecture, and we were impressed by the lavish state apartments and the beautiful gardens.

Bridge in Dublin

It was a bit crowded and I think more suitable for teens.

Trinity College Dublin

Our next stop was Trinity College Dublin, Ireland's oldest and most prestigious university. We visited the college's library to see the Book of Kells, a beautifully illustrated manuscript of the four Gospels created by monks in the 9th century. The library itself is also a sight to behold, with its vaulted ceiling and rows upon rows of ancient books. On the end of the day it is a library, where young kids lose interest quite fast. We did not spend much time here, and continued our walk around the city.

Science Gallery Dublin

Adjacent to Trinity College, we found the Science Gallery Dublin, a fascinating museum that explores the intersection of science and art. We were captivated by the interactive exhibits and installations that showcased cutting-edge scientific research in fields ranging from genetics to robotics. Kids loved that they could try things, play an interactive game, while we explained them the principles of physics. You will learn something new in the Science Gallery Dublin no matter your age as there are detailed explanations also for adults.

Irish Emigration Museum

After a meal we walked to our final stop of the day The Irish Emigration Museum, located in the historic docklands area of Dublin. The museum tells the story of Ireland's diaspora and the many Irish people who have left their homeland over the centuries. We learned about the lives and experiences of Irish emigrants through interactive exhibits and personal stories, and gained a deeper understanding of Ireland's complex history and culture which spans well beyond Ireland's borders. After all the Saint Patrick day, celebrated across the USA is a testament of the Ireland's influence around the world and shows us how also emigrants can enrich the native cultures.

Irish Emigration Museum interactive presentations inside

Overall, second day in Dublin was a perfect mix of history, culture, and science, and we left feeling enriched and inspired by all we had seen and learned.

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