26. April 2013 2 min read

My Great Britain with car adventure

Visiting Great Britain with our own car was a decision based on simple calculation that rent-a-car in UK with aeroplane ticket would cost a lot more than if we just drive there. Because we were only 2 (girlfriend and me) the costs of renting a car were just too high. So we decided to travel from our home place Ljubljana (Slovenia) over Austria, Germany, Luxembourg (will tell you later on why we picked this route), Belgium and France to Great Britain. Our plan was to drive around England, Scotland and Wales and visit most attractive places in country, while leaving London out (it is much better to go there with plane). Also most of the Great Britain history is not in London and there are many castles, palaces and forts that seemed more attractive to photo and visit.

I will describe our route on day to day basics as closed chapters with links to next reading. The idea is to get as many responses to what we have missed and to provide some information to people on what is worth visiting. All comments are more than welcome and I will try to reply to all of them as soon as possible.

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