01. May 2013 3 min read

Day 5 of UK adventure - Beautiful Edinburgh castle

Edinburgh castle

It was a sunny day (with storms forecast) and we went directly towards the Edinburgh castle. I have expected much from the old castle high above city and quite expensive entry fee. For us, entry was free because of Scotland Explorer card and it sure paid off. The view from castle is fascinating and the One O`clock Gun was music to my ears. But first thing was to check all the small rooms around the castle entrance where you could see the history of the castle from Middle ages on. Of course it has also Army museum with a nice collection of medals, gear and new age mission descriptions. It really makes you feel proud of the soldiers and respect for their work, although I am not even Scottish (not to mention I do not agree with politics behind missions)!
After you come a bit further up into top part of the castle you of course have a Whiskey shop. It was not expensive (at least not for my inexperienced eye) and it was great time to shop for souvenirs. After that we went to see crown jewels and other castle halls. It is an exciting visit for sure.

Stirling Castle

Right after the One o`clock gun we were headed to our car and towards Stirling. The storm has passed us and before we went to motorway we stopped at McDonalds. Although I pride myself to speak great English the guy could not believe that I did not have steering wheel! He called the manager who then flawlessly took our order - it sure developed into funny situation. Anyway Stirling is not far from Edinburgh and it was well worth a visit. It also has an army feeling towards it, but with more refined taste of non-army life as well. View from castle is stunning and all the small rooms got us to stay there until closing. After that we drove towards Perth where we found a nice hotel near the train station. It was really cheap and classy.
Our trip was not even half way on, yet we were already heading towards the most Northern part of our journey. The Northern Scotland is described in Iverness and Loch Ness

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