Cannot recreate IngressRoute Traefik Hub

I was trying to refresh an existing certificate with Traefik and Traefik Hub-agent installed, but I was getting this unrelated webhook internal error. It did not allow me to delete IngressRoute, or even modify it. (more...)

Curl show upload progress information

All the online tutorials claim that curl shows detailed progress information while downloading and uploading. While I do realize than when downloading with curl command the information is shown, that is not the case when uploading. (more...)

Convert MySql exported data from Adminer JSON file to php array which can be imported into SleekDB

I wanted to put my personal blog on Kubernetes cluster, but the main hurdle was to get the MySQL server running on cluster. Because other applications already migrated to PostgreSQL server this would basically require a pod with persistent volume running on cluster for nothing. (more...)

Traefik v2 and LetsEncrypt WITHOUT cert-manager on RaspberryPi4 kubernetes cluster

I have already presented a solution with Traefik v2 and Cert manager as how to automatically renew your Letsencrypt certificates, but after recent update to 2.6 I figured out that there is a much easier version, which does not require cert-manager at all. (more...)