Hiking near Atlanta

While visiting Atlanta make sure you drop by and check some of the nature. I was surprised that suburbs are pleasantly green and that houses are actually surrounded by trees. Not to mention wild life in Georgia includes poisonous snakes and some bears, so I was a bit skeptical about hiking in parks. (more...)

Georgia USA - Atlanta

USA is a big place where each country or even city has a different atmosphere and topography. For short trips you will not be able to avoid jetlag, but that should not prevent you from exploring the country. (more...)

Fuerteventura - Esquinzo beach, El Cotillo and Jarugo beach

In the late morning we took a dirt road from El Cotillo towards Jarugo beach. The road is in decent shape, very wide, but still the travel is not fast. We had a plan to visit also several beaches on our way there. (more...)

How to get compensated for delayed flight with transfers

On a recent flight small delays between connected flights resulted in more than 5 hour delay to final destination. I was wondering if I am also eligible for the compensation of the delay - especially since after every transfer I have got a small voucher for a drink. (more...)